Whatsapp adds two new features already available for some time on Telegram. Apparently started the service migration on Facebook’s servers now offer more possibilities to users. And ‘it can attach any file type and even images and uncompressed video.

Whatsapp has started the rollout of the new feature that lets you send any type of file through the platform. Many users around the world  already works so let us know if you are among.

With any type of file we mean any type: from .zip, .rar, .mp3, and .apk whatever. From now on you you can also send photos and videos in original quality, ie without compression that has always Whatsapp has applied to these media files.

As reported by WABetaInfo, iOS users can transfer files up to 128MB, Android users up to 100MB, Windows Phone users up to 104MB and Web / Desktop users up to 64MB.

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