Apple is a VLOP in Europe, as are Google, Meta, Twitter, and TikTok. Companies are required to disclose data on the number of users using the services per month in Europe

The new Digital Services Act of the European Union has required large technology companies to provide data on the monthly users who use the services.

Any technology company, with services exceeding 45 million users ( VLOP – Very Large Online Platform ) is required to manage risks and undergo independent external audits. They will also have to share data with the authorities and report the number of users using the services in Europe every six months in order not to face penalties.

All this serves to understand what are actually the volumes of users of each company and consequently the amount of personal data that Big Tech manages. Also on the basis of this, it will then be established who will be defined as a gatekeeper and who will have to comply with other laws already explained.

Google and Meta are confirmed as the two most influential/used companies in Europe. Apple has a much less audience in the old continent than in America.

Google reported 278.6 million users in Europe using Google Maps, 274 million using Google Play, 332 million the Google search engine, 74.9 million Shopping and 401.7 million for YouTube.

Apple has declared that the iPhone App Store alone exceeds 45 million monthly users in Europe while the one for iPad, Mac, Apple Watch and Apple TV, as well as subscriptions to books and audiobooks, should not be defined as VLOPs because they do not exceed them. Nonetheless, Apple has declared itself in favour of the measures required by the Digital Services Act and therefore will also voluntarily provide data for all other services.

Twitter has 100.9 million monthly users in the EU. Amazon has more than 45 million, Microsoft said Bing has more than 107 million monthly users, and even Aliexpress has more than 45 million users.

EBay, on the other hand, will not be considered or treated as a VLOP because it does not reach the threshold of 45 million. TikTok has 100.9 million and finally, Meta has 255 million active users on Facebook every month in the EU and 250 million on Instagram.

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