We have a small but important news to tell you about WhatsApp. In many, through the comments to the articles, keep asking a version compatible with Apple Watch Well .. is going to get.
Analyzing the latest beta of WhatsApp was discovered “watchAppBundleIdentifier” that precisely identifies the version compatible with the Apple smartwatch for which have just started work.
This new version not only will respond to messages directly from notifications but will also have an icon itself within the screen, you can start to see all the conversations and to send messages to a contact even when no he is to write first.
And ‘certainly true that the team Whastapp is slow in releasing updated and include new features that other applications are using for months, but we can say that almost every day is a new beta released to developers and that in the latter period it seems that the entire operation of the development and integration of the innovations will be accelerated greatly.
We do not know when the release date, this version supports the Apple Watch but we will keep you updated
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