The activation block of  Apple iOS 7 is a feature available which allows you to protect the devices in case of theft or loss, and is activated when you choose to use “Find my iPhone.” The researcher, Hemanth Joseph, which deals with information security for some time, found a system that allows you to bypass this block.

iOS In fact, there is a bug that allows you to exceed the screen that prompts you for your username and password to iTunes, thus eliminating all the usefulness of the block activation.

The method is quite simple and is to generate an overflow error by choosing “Other” as a WiFi network and inserting a large number of characters in the required fields. It will use the copy paste function, as long as the device will not lock and then use the Smart Cover to power cycle the display. The entire screen will crash, allowing us to overcome the blockade.

Apple has already solved this problem with the release of iOS 10.1.1, however, the error is still reproducible using the screen rotation function and Night Shift. After the release of this video is related posts is very likely that the bug will be definitively resolved with the final version of IOS 10.2.


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