Another newly discovered novelty of the iOS 15 Photos app is added to the list already provided in the previous days

iOS 15 significantly improves the Photosapplication by adding EXIF Metadata , Drag and Drop support , the ability to view fewer images from a certain person in the dedicated Widget, brand new templates to create Memories videos , also enhanced by Apple Music music.

Among the various innovations we also find the LiveText , or the automatic recognition of the text within an image that is transformed into digital and can be searched from the Spotlight or from the search engine inside the Photos app.

Another novelty that we have just noticed, is that iOS 15 classifies the photos saved inside the camera roll according to the origin . For example, if we open the iSpazio app and save an image directly from an article, when we go to view the image’s metadata we will find written “Saved from iSpazio”

By clicking on this writing, we will also view all the other images previously saved from the iSpazio app. Similarly, if we save images from Safari , just search for “Safari” in the Photos app and we will see all the photos saved by the browser. We can do the same with photos from Whatsapp and so on.

This is a further enhancement for the classification and search of images that is really useful and interesting.

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