The successes may be unexpected but the same is also true for the failures, as in the case of the iPhone 12 Mini whose sales just do not take off and are lower than Apple’s forecasts. The company has reduced production in some plants, in others it has even stopped it altogether.

This is nothing new, we have already talked about it many times on this blog: the iPhone 12 Mini is selling less than expected according to Apple’s expectations.

Low user demand has led the Cupertino-based company to reduce production of the iPhone 12 Mini for the first 6 months of 2021.

Some factories have reduced the pace of production, others have even stopped altogether. There are probably multiple reasons for these poor results. One cause could derive from the excellent sales recorded last year for the iPhone SE 2020, which keeps the screen size very small just like the 12 Mini, another could be related to the period we are experiencing and a third to be sought in the fact that with the same functions and a low price difference, users find it cheaper to buy an iPhone 12.

It should be noted that this is by no means a dark time for Apple. Despite the pandemic, the company is setting record after record with impressive financial results. If the 12 Minis sell poorly, on the other hand the Pro models are exceeding all expectations (and by the way they are also the more expensive models).

At the moment it is clear that users prefer larger screens but this will not stop Apple which has already decided to produce the iPhone 13 Mini in the fall.

Is there anyone among you who bought the iPhone 12 Mini and is really happy with this size?

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