Could this be the right time? A clue in the image of WWDC 2021 could reveal the imminent introduction of the operating system to manage Apple’s AR glasses

We have been publishing patents, articles and rumors about Apple glasses for augmented reality for years and this could be the right time.

Apple fans know that there is always an Easter egg hidden inside the images created for event invitations. Apple usually “slams in front of our eyes” some of the innovations that will be presented even if it integrates them so well within the context of the image that we end up not receiving them.

The invitation to WWDC 2021 shows the memoji of a woman wearing glasses and opening the computer the various icons of the system are reflected inside her glasses. Nothing strange so far, but the image then stops with those reflected icons that are very reminiscent of the Apple Glass concepts seen over time on these pages.

Furthermore, the movement of the reflected icons is not linear with that of the opening of the MacBook, it does not coincide ..

Also, in all three promotional images there is someone with glasses. Not even one without.

WWDC is a conference where Apple’s new software is presented and new devices such as AR glasses would need a dedicated operating system that could be announced on June 7th.

Of course, this is only our interpretation that may not have any real confirmation. Are we dreaming too much? Have we gone too far? Tell us what you think.

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