Abe Crannaford was fined $ 5,000 for extracting information and posting Apple employee details on Twitter.

An Australian man has been multat or AUD 5,000 and was awarded a ” recognition ” of 18 months after having published confidential information of Apple employees in 2017 and 2018.

According to the Bega District News , 24-year-old Abe Crannaford was tried in the local Eden court and was convicted after pleading guilty on two charges of unauthorized access or modification of confidential data .

In mid 2017 and early 2018, Crannaford extracted confidential information intended for employees of the large U.S.-based company.

The hacking culminated in January 2018 when Crannaford posted employee details on his Twitter account and allegedly provided links to the company’s firmware on GitHub.

The potential maximum penalty for crimes committed is two years’ imprisonment and fines of $ 10,000 or more.

Crannaford could have received up to two years in prison and a fine of over $ 10,000 for each of the crimes he was charged with, however, received a $ 5,000 fine and an 18-month ” recognition “, a period of good conduct that , if violated, would result in an additional financial penalty.

Judge Doug Dick, pronouncing the judgment, said that while there may have been no “sinister intentions”, Crannaford knew his actions were wrong:

“It may be that you are now subject to ridicule and contempt online, but nobody in this courtroom escapes this, not even me.

What you have done affects in the heart of modern society: people rightly care about their privacy. “

Crannaford’s defense attorney Ines Chiumento has tried to argue that Apple “in a way” promotes hacking , rewarding hackers who find exploits and bugs through its program.

“With this appreciated and sought-after ability, it is difficult to send a message to young people (about illegality and punitive measures) if companies do not send the same message,” said Chiumento.

The prosecutor acknowledged the existence of Apple’s reward program, but said that ” Crannaford’s intrusions into websites and confidential data ” occurred on multiple occasions and were shared with others, so the concept of generosity is contrary to his actions.

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