Plans for a new sensor could mean that the regular Apple Watch will be able to measure blood pressure accurately without the need for extra hardware.

One of the very first health-related features of Apple Watch was its ability to measure heart rate . However, he was unable to measure blood pressure accurately because this requires more sensitive sensors and also that these sensors are positioned accurately on a vein.

Although it is possible to download apps for Apple Watch to measure blood pressure, they require an additional device, such as a bracelet. ” Pressure Measurement Drawings “, U.S. Pat . 10,646,121 describes a way to do without that bracelet and still obtain precision both in positioning and in data.

This is significant both because the number of people who will be able to control their blood pressure increases – they just need their Apple Watch, they don’t have to buy anything else – but also because of the range of medical benefits that derive from registering these data regularly .

“Pressure measurement can be useful in monitoring one or more user parameters,” says the patent. “For example, blood pressure measurements can be a useful parameter to measure how high blood pressure (aka hypertension) can be an indicator of potential health problems.”

The patent does not mention the Apple Watch and instead repeatedly describes ” a wearable wrist device “, so it could be that Apple speaks of a separate product, but it is unlikely since the patent stresses: ” increase the adoption of non-clinical measurements and the blood pressure monitoring by common consumers “.

Although the patents are very detailed and contain many possible ideas, Apple may eventually decide not to launch these features.

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