According to the rumors, that Apple will unveil a new iPhone in September will be extremely thin. However, according to a report of China Times, this desire to realize the iPhone thinner than ever could pose problems of efficiency as regards the display.
The idea of ​​Apple is to use a single film for the improvement of the brightness and the brightness of the colors over the LCD display, in order to save space. Previously, however, have always been used BEFS two films.
The difficulties of return therefore, are immediately clear. One film will ensure the same result that was previously guaranteed by two. This change seems quite risky and it is thought that for this reason the display of the iPhone 6 will have a lower yield than the previous. To realize the displays for Apple will still LG, Sharp and JDI at the expense of Rumors of Innolux replace Sharp.
According to the China Times, the production will start in a few days, during the month of July, to start marketing already in September.

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