We had already shown these new features in beta and today Telegram updates with the 2.0 polls, it will be possible to create polls with visible votes, multiple choices and create quizzes
A new update for Telegram arrives which introduces Surveys 2.0 for all users , expanding the range of possibilities with three new types of surveys.

Visible votes
Previously, all polls on Telegram were anonymous. With this update, you can create polls that allow everyone in the group to see who voted and for what .
Now you will know exactly which friends you disagree with on the pineapple and pizza issue.
Of course, anonymous surveys can still be created .
Multiple answers
Surveys can also be multiple choice, a setting that can be set during the survey creation phase.

Quiz mode
Surveys now also have Quiz mode . These surveys have a correct answer (chosen by the quiz creator) and anything can be used.

The correct answer will trigger a shower of confetti.
Creating surveys
Surveys can be created in groups or channels . Just choose the “Survey” option in the attachment menu. Type your question, add the answer options, choose the settings that best suit your purpose and are ready to go:

Corners Posts
In addition to the new polls, Telegram has received a new visual setting. You can change the appearance of message bubbles in Settings:
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