Word of Spotify’s price hike begins to circulate across Europe and the UK. Some users have already been notified via email of the change that will take place from April 30th
Spotify has begun to warn users of an impending price hike. Inflation should start from April 30 and the subscription fee will increase from 1 € to 3 € per room type.
The new prices will apply to all of Europe and the UK. We have not yet received any reports of rising prices in Italy but the fate seems to be already sealed. The personal basic plan will go from € 9.99 per month to € 10.99 per month.
The first English users who received the invitation did not take it at all well also because the CEO of Spotify only a few days ago had launched a tweet in which he declared himself willing to buy the British football team Arsenal for 2 billion pounds.
Spotify also announced the arrival of a new player integrated within Facebook on both Android and iOS. Now, the songs shared on the social network will be immediately recognized and converted with the multimedia player that will immediately listen to the song.

Among Spotify’s other “money-making ideas” is the first hardware product called Car Thing, a small display with connectivity that allows users who do not have CarPlay or other similar systems inside their car to take full advantage your Spotify subscription while listening to music even in your car.

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