THE world of technology is now studded with episodes such as subpoenas, claims and patents infringed. Samsung and Apple are some of the names that most often appear between the lines of the newspapers in this way and even when it seems that everything has ended the ‘Korean company reopens the case with a request to the court of appeal.

One of the processes that saw the protagonists both companies see forced Samsung to pay 548 million dollars in compensation to Apple. The company, which has probably not want to pay the sum mentioned, requested the rectification of the measure as well as a new audience to which to attend all 12 elements of the bench, unlike the previous one which was attended by only three judges.

Samsung will defend its case stating that the rights to the design claimed by Apple are only a small feature when compared to the many patented technologies in every single smartphone, and that is why they are not reason enough to justify a legal decision of this magnitude.

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