Reuters is out today with a story headlined “Apple on medical tech hiring spree, a possible hint of iWatch plans.”

The article is mostly a summary of nearly a year’s worth of our reporting at 9to5Mac, but does add some fresh

3rd party analysis into Apple’s impact on the biomedical field. Starting from the beginning of the reporting’s details:




Reuters, today:

”Apple Inc is building a team of senior medical technology executives, raising hackles in the biotechnology community and offering a hint of what the iPhone maker may be planning for its widely expected iWatch and other wearable technology.”


”Apple has begun assembling a team of hardware and software engineering, medical sensor, manufacturing, and fitness experts, indicating the company is moving forward with a project to build a fitness-oriented, sensor-laden wearable computer, according to our sources.”

Reuters also reports that Apple’s medical space plans go beyond hardware:

”One mobile health executive, who asked not to be named, told Reuters he recently sat down with an Apple executive from the iWatch team. He said the company has aspirations beyond wearable devices, and is considering a full health and fitness services platform modeled on its apps store. Apple spokesperson Steve Dowling declined to comment on the company’s health-tech plans or its recent hires. The med-tech community is betting on Apple to develop the apps-store style platform so startups can develop their own software and hardware mobile medical applications.”

Hopes are very high, that Apple this year will announce something into the wearable space.

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