The industry of smartphones came to touch excellence. You can improve the processor, put more RAM, but the true revolutions (at this time) are difficult. iPhone 8 and iOS 11, however, could represent the starting point for a new era made of artificial intelligence.

During the last conference of Google we have seen what is becoming important artificial intelligence for making really more advanced and efficient applications. We are facing a new generation of software, able to learn and evolve by itself.

Now missing a few days at WWDC 2017 during which will be presented iOS 11 as reported by Bloomberg , Apple also play hard on this. In Cupertino they are expected to develop a new chip called ” Apple Neural Engine ” capable of handling voice and visual recognition but also to perform certain actions automatically without direct intervention of human intelligence.

Back at stake acquisition Workflow that could become part of a much larger project where “the machine”, (the iPhone), is able to perform many functions automatically self-learned from the operations that each user performs every day on their smartphones .

Having a special chip for the neural network, also improve efficiency by reducing the battery consumption. Bloomberg also reports that this chip is already being tested on some prototypes of the iPhone and can handle facial recognition in photos, the speech and predictive keyboard.

iOS 11 could mark an end point for the previous ten versions of the operating system, and a starting point for a new era of software. more projected towards a future where the computer is able to independently carry out a large part of our work, just like you see in science fiction movies.

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