Peter Thiel , co-founder of PayPal, venture capitalists and Donald Trump adviser, in a recent interview expressed their thoughts on the future of Apple. For Thiel, bluntly, ” Apple’s era is over .”

These are the words of Thiel: ” The Apple era is over . I confirm. We all know how it is done and what a smartphone does. It is not the fault of Tim Cook, but it is an area where there will be more innovations . ”

For the major investor of the technological world, the sector from which Apple makes the most profit, namely that of smartphones, is saturated . iPhone is without a doubt the most successful product for the Cupertino company, the smartphone does not come by chance much of the success and, most importantly, revenue.

Focusing too much on the iPhone, Apple seems to not be able to bring to market a revolutionary product (as was precisely the iPhone), able to surprise and give a jolt to the tech world. Also Add to this, the recent drop in sales of the device and the Thiel-thought is served.

Is Apple really over? Have your say in the comments.


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