Bad news coming for most of the subscribers to the Netflix video streaming service. In the coming weeks, premiums would appear to rise for standard and premium plans, up to an 18% increase.

According to CNBC, Netflix is ​​about to increase the price of some subscription plans a little less than a year after the last increase applied. In October, in fact, prices had already been increased, passing in the standard plan from $ 9.99 to $ 10.99 while the premium plan had increased from $ 11.99 to $ 13.99.

The new increase , which could arrive in a very short time, will always make the standard and premium plan the protagonists. The first will go from the current $ 10.99 to $ 12.99 (+ 18%) , while the premium plan will increase from $ 13.99 (+ 14%) to $ 15.99 .

In addition to the new increase we remember that Netflix in recent weeks has decided to disable the subscription mode through iOS app as a result of the desire not to sell Apple to 30% of the profit.

Probably these solutions will serve to cover the debts that Netflix is accumulating to invest in series and shows currently in production and soon to be released, all this to face the fierce competition of Amazon, the upcoming arrival of the Disney streaming service and the likely arrival in the Apple’s market with its own video service.

Currently the Ghanaian prices have not been retouched, we will notify you as soon as there will be news about the price list in our country.

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