Apple may use the LTPO TFT technology for future iPhones, according to reports by IHS Markit. The aim would be to reduce the energy consumption of AMOLED panels.

This low-temperature polycrystalline silicon oxide technology turns the individual pixels of the display on and off and plays a fundamental role in certain solutions, such as refresh rates and energy consumption. Apple has registered three patents related to the LTPO technology called respectively ” Organic light-emitting diode displays with semiconducting-oxide and silicon thin-film transistors “, ” Displays with silicon and semiconducting oxide thin-film transistors “, and ” Methods of protecting semiconductor oxide channel in hybrid TFT process flow “.

This could be an excellent solution to reduce the energy consumption of future smartphones, but Apple will still have to find suppliers willing to meet the demands. It is not to be discarded the hypothesis that the Cupertino colossus adopts this technology first on the future Apple Watch, and then on the iPhone.

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