A few hours ago we told you about a strange “errors” committed by the Apple online store where, in the page dedicated to the new dock connector Lightning , appeared the image of an iPhone 5c with Touch ID . But what if it was the new iPhone 6c ?


For months now rumors of a supposed new iPhone with a 4 “display, alongside those that probably will take the name of iPhone and iPhone 6s 6s Plus. Obviously these rumors were never confirmed by the company, but the image appeared today on the online store he has given new life to the hopes of many users who require loudly return to a 4 “display .

This image has been judged by many to be a mistake (even graphic rendering), which would then quickly corrected by Apple, but new pictures few hours ago on the microblogging site Weibo seem to confirm that what appeared online it is actually a new smartphone of the Cupertino company, which we could not identify as iPhone 6c .

The confirmation or refutation, will clearly only when Apple officially unveil the new generation of iPhone.

Here are the pictures:

image_new-3-300x300 image_new-1-300x225 image_new-1

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