With iPhone X, Apple has introduced a new and innovative unlocking method: the Face ID. This recognizes the face of the owner thanks to a technology that also takes into account the depth, and this prevents the system from being “cheated” with photos or the like. Is it a 100% reliable technology? It does not seem, and the confirmation comes from a couple from Milan

Stefania and Claudia are a couple from Milan, and luck is that they are, in fact, a couple and not strangers. Stefania, for her birthday, decided to make a nice gift or an iPhone X. After having registered her face, she discovered that her partner is also able to unlock the device through Face ID. Of course, the face recognition system also allows access to other applications, including those for online banking.

« I took Stefania’s iPhone to look at the maps; we were in the car and I wanted to activate the navigator. I touched the screen and started using it as if nothing had happened “, says Claudia at Corriere Della Sera. His partner Stefania says she has come up in amazement: ” They always tell us that they resemble us. They ask us if we are relatives or sisters, but I did not think that we would have deceived such sophisticated technology “.

During the interview given to Corriere della Sera some tests were carried out (configuring the Face ID from zero), and the result does not change. The iPhone X in question cannot distinguish the faces of the two women and always allows access. Apple has not yet released a comment on the issue, but we will update the article for further details.

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