The iPhone 7 is equipped with the new Apple A10 fusion processor  with better performance in any operations and even lower power consumption than the previous version. In recent days, the benchmark scores showed that the ‘ iPhone 7 is theoretically faster than a normal MacBook Air.

In order to give a concrete demonstration of all this power,  PhoneBuff  carried out  a video comparison with the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 . The test is based on the speed of opening of some applications and commonly used games (including “heavy games “). Once all applications have been opened for the first time, PhoneBuff   then tested the efficiency of smartphones by  re-opening  all the same applications.

The result? The iPhone 7 is much faster than Note 7, completing its second round before the end of the first round of  Galaxy Note 7. In particular, despite having only 2 GB of RAM compared to 4 GB of Note 7, the iPhone 7 still seemed to have all the 14 applications open in memory, while its rival had to recharge some. This enhances the thesis according to which the Apple hardware and software design efficiency together can lead to excellent performance, even having “less” GB of RAM.

The final scores for the total loading were, iPhone 7 in  1m 40s, while for the Notes 7 in 3m 14s.

Here’s the video:


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