At 6 years after its launch, Instagram now has reached the milestone of 500 million users.

Half a billion users, twice as much as two years ago. More than half of these, about 300 million, are connected to Instagram least once a day . Are 400 million, 80% of the total, users who live outside of the United States and 9 million Italians on the company.

Every day they are published on average 95 million posts are made and 4.2 billion like . Most Popular are always puppies cats or dogs. One of the most popular hashtags in the world is #weeklyfluff with 4 million posts per day. It works great on Instagram fashion, every day 82 million images are dedicated to outfits chosen by users.

The social network has managed to establish itself in the world, resulting in the second compared to Facebook, but also overcoming Twitter.

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