An American study revealed that in 2021 among the most important features in a smartphone there is not one of the latest technologies introduced, 5G, but the old and dear battery life.

Among the features of a smartphone that users consider most useful in absolute, we find the battery life in the first place and in the last place the 5G connection .

The study was conducted by BlinkAI on a sample of 1000 Americans of which 55% are owners of iPhones and 45% are owners of an Android device.

In principle, the answers are the same on both platforms, obtaining a ranking of priorities ordered as follows:

In the first place the battery life counts, in the second the amount of memory, in the third, for iPhone users, there is the camera and therefore the quality of the photos while for Android users there is the processor which is instead the fourth. priority of Apple users. The last place is represented by support for the 5G network.

The study is very significant: with increasingly advanced smartphones such as those we currently have on the market, the most important feature of all is that of being able to use it for a long time with a performing battery. Apple should definitely work on this figure.

The data is confirmed by a second survey, in which it is asked: What should artificial intelligence do on a smartphone? And 72% of the answers confirmed “a reduction in battery consumption”.

5G, which is also the most striking novelty of the latest iPhone models, is the least desired function of all and we remember that the study was conducted in America. If it had started from Italy, the percentage would certainly have been even lower given the inadequacy of our network.

Do you agree with the results and that compared to 5G you would prefer a longer battery life? Is it the feature you miss most on the iPhone or are there others?

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