Your email and password combination may not be secure and someone may be logging into your accounts. Here’s how to find out and how to fix it

As many you know, Facebook has been attacked and the personal data of half a billion users have been leaked online . However, Facebook is not the only site that has suffered violations over the years . Something similar has also happened to Adobe, Dropbox and many other companies.

The access data to these portals have been made public and therefore the combination between your email address and password has been compromised. For some time now, Apple’s Safari browser and Google’s Chrome have also been interfacing with an online database to determine how many of your logins are compromised and on which sites you should change your password but today we point out a practical website called that allows you to check the same thing.

After visiting the site, simply enter your email address or phone number and you will be revealed if your data is safe or if it has been breached.

My generic email address, the one I use to sign up for any not-too-important service, was found in 18 breaches. At the bottom of the site, all 18 sites are shown where I should change my password and activate two-factor authentication.

As I said at the beginning, something similar is also available in the Chrome browser , by entering the Settings and searching for ” Password ” you will be shown the number of compromised accounts and you can change the password.

Same thing also directly from the iPhone. Go to Settings> Passwords and you will see the security tips with the number of hacked accounts for which a password change and activation of two-factor authentication is recommended.

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