There are still several months to the presentation of the iPhone 7 , but despite that assumptions and rumors much anticipated new smartphone signed Apple certainly not lacking. Based on this, some designers have created some concept , including what we propose in this article.
With iPhone 6 (and later), introduced in 2014, Apple has received in particular on two critical design choices: the protruding camera and very visible antenna lines on the back.


According to the latest rumor, iPhone 7 will have a design similar to that of its predecessors,

but Apple will please users who do not like the two just mentioned aesthetic details.

Farewell then to the protruding camera and antenna lines too obvious?
The graphic designer Arthur Reis , following the rumors, he realized his personal

iPhone concept 7: main camera at the body level, antenna lines thinner and less visible,

side frames of thinner displays, the more angular design lines.

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