Following the election to CEO Sundar Pichai , Google has launched a real restructuring . They are the founders Larry Page and Brin Sergery to announce the birth of Alphabet

Under the name Alphabet will be gathered all the activities of the group of Mountain View including YouTube, maps and the search engine itself.


All sectors will have to practice their administrator in order to have a CEO for each task and streamline the activities of the multi sectoral search giant.

Page continues to affirm his thoughts on the company: “Google is not a conventional company.” The co-founder probably refers to the very different areas where Google puts the nose, characteristic from which it is then led to the need to carry out this sort of cleavage in order to enable greater managerial activity failing to manage optimally also products which are not connected from each other.

Regarding Pichai, will for the time being in charge of the search engine industry including portal YouTube.

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