Nintendo’s shares continue to rise after the release GO Pokémon . After an increase of 9.3% since the launch of the game last week, the price of shares of the company increased by 24.52% this Monday to ¥ 20.260 ($ 193), with an increase of 7.5 billion dollars of the company’s market value Japanese.

However, it is important to remember that GO Pokémon is not an exclusive creation of Nintendo. The app has in fact been developed together in Niantic, company specialized in augmented reality that is divided by Google in October 2015. Nintendo’s investor is Niantic that Pokémon Company (which receives about 30% of the proceeds of GO Pokémon, according the Financial Times ). The app can be downloaded for free from the App Store (not yet in Africa) and Play Store (via APK in Africa), the gains of Nintendo are derived from in-game micro transactions .


According to equity analysts, GO Pokémon will bring between 140 and revenue of $ 196 million each month to have a significant impact on Nintendo’s profits. Mia Nagasaka Morgan Stanley said on CNBC that GO Pokémon in the first launch day should have turnover between 3.9 and 4.9 million dollars, suggesting that the game will have to maintain a high position in the rankings of the app to ensure Nintendo of significant gains.

Ninantic Nintendo and then have to work to keep up the interest in GO Pokémon in the coming months. Of course, that of Pokémon is one of the most beloved franchises in the world, and its incredible popularity is based on a release in just three markets. The game mechanics were recognized as “simple enough” and perhaps after a period of time may annoy users, but there is no doubt that new updates will make the most immersive experience in the future.

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