After a trial period, Facebook TV should start in mid-August. It will be a platform other than YouTube, but it will not compete with Netflix or HBO.

Facebook TV , a sort of “higher end” version of YouTube, should arrive shortly after a long test. The news comes from Bloomberg, with the social network of Mark Zuckerberg who has not commented on the launch rumor.

According to the source, Facebook TV will be available from mid-August , with content offered by several partners. Videos will be available not in the traditional Facebook bulletin but in a new video section that will launch with the service. ” Facebook plans to launch something far better than Google’s YouTube, but will not compete with companies such as Netflix, HBO and Showtime, ” the report says.

As for content, in May, Bloomberg himself revealed that Facebook was financing the creation of its own TV show list in anticipation of launching the platform by the end of the year.

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