Between privacy concerns, iOS 14.5 advertising tracking and increased user awareness, Facebook begins to have a very slight decline

Facebook is having a bad time in this period: not only iOS 14.5 is making it gradually decrease its advertising revenues but all the articles that run on the web, where it sheds light on all aspects related to privacy, are opening their eyes to users who are deciding to leave the social network.

According to data shared by AppFigures , it appears that Facebook is starting to lose downloads, recording a 30% drop from last year

You certainly cannot cry for failure, the numbers that Facebook reaches are still impressive, however from the 15 million downloads that were recorded every week in May, at the moment Facebook is getting “only” 11 million (with a total count between iOS and Android).

The number of downloads is not a constant figure over time, there have already been drops in the past, reports AppFigures , but never as this time has there been such a drastic decline.

In the meantime, TikTok has the upper hand and continues to grow undisputed. At the moment this is the most downloaded app both on the App Store and Google Play with 52 million downloads in April.

On iOS, in April Facebook totaled 9.9 million downloads while TikTok 15.9 million , an impressive 6 million more.

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