Blackberry — the beleaguered Canadian smartphone maker who controls literally 0 percent U.S. market share ,

isBBM_Money now suing its own executives to prevent them from quitting their jobs and flocking to Apple. Really! Sebastien Marineau-Mes is Blackberry’s SVP of Software. In December of last year, he was offered a job by Apple to become the Vice President of Core OS. So he quit his job at Blackberry, giving two months notice. The only problem? Apparently, Marineau-Mes signed a contract saying he’d give six months notice of any resignation. As iMore reports:

”To add insult to injury, that contract was signed on September 27, 2013 — both while BlackBerry was under a promotional freeze (except for when you really want to keep somebody) and while Marineau-Mes was in discussions about moving to Apple. So BlackBerry took Marineau-Mes to court, and the court agreed that he should fulfill his six-month notice obligation at the company.

Blackberry seems pleased that it has to sue its own executives to remain at the company, but as iMore observes:

“or what it’s worth, Apple’s been down this road before. In 2008 Apple tried hiring Mark Papermaster away from IBM, but the transition was hung up on a no-compete clause that took several months to resolve. Apple’s a patient company when they want to be, so if they really want Marineau-Mes, they’ll wait. Until June.

Heck, by June, Blackberry’s doors may be completely shuttered, making the whole thing moot.


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