Earlier reports said that Apple would be announcing its iWatch, or wearable product, sometime in October. Despite many analyst reports predicting that the product has been delayed, John Paczkowski of Re/code is now saying that Apple will announce a new wearable device alongside two next generation iPhones on September 9th.

Remember back in June when I said Apple hoped to schedule a special event in October to show off a new wearable device? Remember how I also said this: “Could things change between now and fall? That’s certainly possible.” Turns out that was a prescient hedge, because things have changed. Apple now plans to unveil a new wearable alongside the two next-generation iPhones we told you the company will debut on September 9th

Paczkowski has a great track record when it comes to Apple events. He was the one who also reported September 9th as the date for Apple’s big event.

While we can’t confirm Apple’s plans with 100% certainty, we are certainly excited for whatever Apple is set to announce!


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