After the launch of the new iPhone X in September, US Senator Al Franken was immediately alarmed about Face ID technology. After asking for clarifications through a special letter addressed to Tim Cook, the senator praised Apple for the efficiency in the security and privacy of this new technology.

Senator Al Franken deals with privacy, technology, and US Senate rights. Clarifications about the new Face ID were therefore mandatory, especially for the security and privacy of government information. Apple in response to this letter stated that all data sampled by special facial recognition sensors are encrypted and stored by iOS Secure Enclave, never leaving the device.

Subsequently, the senator has confirmed that he no longer doubts about the privacy and security of the new iPhone X:

I appreciate Apple’s willingness to work with my office to clarify these doubts. I am delighted with the steps that the company has undertaken to protect consumer privacy and security concerns.

Franken also promised that he will continue to monitor the situation with the Face ID. Likewise in 2013, the senator had actually checked the security of the Touch ID, which is still being monitored.

Source: 9to5Mac

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