
Apple released the new beta version, the fifth of iOS 9.3 to developers all over the air update.
iOS 9.3 introduces several new or improved features, such as the Night Shift mode.
From a few minutes it is available via OTA update the new version of iOS 9.3 beta 5 for all developers who have installed the profile dedicated to iOS beta.

If there will be important news, as always, we will inform you promptly. If you come across news that we have not seen please let us know in the comments.

UPDATE | Following the news of the beta just released:


1. Changed the activation method in the control center of the new functionality Night Shift. Now, once you press the dedicated button will not appear in the drop-down request, but will be enabled or disabled directly, showing the Top of the pull-down status on / off, as happens when we block / we unlock the rotation of the device.

2. reinserted the possibility of using the Pencil Apple iPad Pro to navigate to the device,

as if we were using the finger. The function had been eliminated in the previous beta, as we told you here .

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