Great news for Apple Store employees: the company will recognize a bonus of up to $ 1000 directly in paychecks

Apple has decided to motivate all Apple Store employees by adding a $ 1,000 bonus to their paychecks.

The 1000 dollars are reserved for employees who have worked in the company at least since March 2021, as a sort of “thank you” for having faced the difficult period of the pandemic. Those who have been hired after this date will receive a $ 500 bonus. Finally, workers who are hired at the end of the year, strictly for the Christmas period, will get a bonus of $ 200.

As Bloomberg points out , it is an incentive to do better and to work hard, especially in view of the Christmas season we are approaching. The so-called “holiday season” is the hardest to face for Apple Store employees and with new iPhones and Apple Watch just released to which new products will be added in October, the amount of work will be really important. Only with a motivated team will you be able to maximize sales and offer a good user experience.

This isn’t the first time Apple has offered an employee incentive. The latest dates back to 2018 when Apple gave away about $ 2,500 worth of stock.

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