Times are changing, and the 5G is the future. Apple is also moving in this direction, and the FCC has given the go-ahead to start testing.

To date, 5G networks have not yet made their official debut among consumers, but tech companies and operators are working hard to complete this new revolution in telecommunications, and of course there is Apple.

According to Qualcomm, the first smartphones compatible with the 5G will arrive on the market in 2019 , and among them will surely be Apple’s new smartphones. The latter officially obtained from the FCC the authorization to test 5G millimeter technology in the 28GHz and 39GHz bands. The tests will be conducted in California.

The 5G standard has not yet been defined, and variables are different. Despite this, Apple does not seem willing to leave it with their hands in hand. Recall that early in the year, the company asked to be able to start experimenting with the aim of collecting as much data as possible to use later in the future.

Via | 9to5Mac

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