Even Tim Cook, speaking to investors, said that Apple invested and continues to invest in augmented reality, referring to the Pokémon phenomenon Go, not so much in terms of the game and for the prospects that the application can offer.

Asked about Pokémon Go, developed by Niantic Labs, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company, Tim Cook explained that the game is a demonstration of what can be successful and innovative applications like the App Store can be a window to the developers’ skills with the pressure of a finger on a button able to offer a product throughout the world.


Augmented reality, reiterates Cook, is a great business opportunity for producers and consumers.

Augmented reality (AR, Augmented Reality) can be really big. We continue to invest heavily in this technology because we believe it may be useful to customers and manufacturers. The first aspect that we take care of a lot is making sure that our products will work best with what has been developed by others, as in the case of Pokémon Go.

In the past they have been circulating rumors that Apple a secret team to work on augmented reality and virtual reality had set up. For the future, the Cupertino company has acquired companies like Metaio, Faceshift and Flyby Media for the development of this technology.

It is not yet clear how augmented reality can be integrated into Apple devices, even if the applications Maps and photos are suitable for use.

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