There is a new scam going around that tries to persuade/trick users into handing over usernames and passwords.
I first spotted this scam, when tracking missing iPad Air put in a lost mode.
A day after I received text message instructing me to verify your account.
The massage normally comes in the form below.
”Your iPad has been found and located near Ghana before 2 minutes.
last reported location will be available for 24 hours.
Verify your account now at
/Apple In”
The Independent is also reporting this morning about this scam, arrives in the form of a text message
and directs users to a bogus website located at Given that URL.
Everyone should be on the lookout. Upon investigation I realized the moment you hand out such information
helps them to unlock the device.
Most of our readers are capable of spotting a phishing scam this obvious, but it seems that the Independent found it
“convincing” enough, which means you might have loved ones who should know about the attack.
Apple warns against these types of attacks on its website:
“As a general rule, never send credit card information, account passwords, or extensive personal information in an
email unless you verify that the recipient is who they claim to be. Many companies have policies that state they will
never solicit such information from customers by email.”
Apple won’t ever ask for this information, especially by text message, so don’t hand it over
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