The security expert Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai has always been a devoted user Android and promised that he would never buy an iPhone. However, for professional bias, he had to change his mind and switched to Apple.To convince him were the countless security holes of the operating system that -for an expert security- definitely not go down.


“When it launched the first iPhone, I swore that I would never have bought. There have been countless discussions I had with friends and strangers, and many I have hated and criticized by my statement. Since the inception of the mobile operating system from Google, I always had an Android device, then the first HTC SONY and now I’m really tired.I’m ready to go “to the dark side.”

Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai still thinks that Android is a great operating system, but it is really hard to get security updates because the system is super-fragmented between different models of smartphones, also customized by manufacturers so the most vulnerable are not resolved. Will go to the iPhone for this reason, as many people have done.

If you want to read all the considerations that published, check out his blog

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