by Jeremiah Sarpong | Aug 6, 2014 | General
Earlier this year Foursquare announced its plans to split check-ins and social features from location discovery and reviewing features from its mobile apps. Swarm, the new app focused on check-ins, launched earlier this year in May while Foursquare gave its users some...
by Jeremiah Sarpong | Aug 5, 2014 | General
Apple has just filed for Healthkit trademarks in both the US and Europe ahead of iOS 8’s launch this fall and in at least one filing includes watches in a list of goods that could take advantage of the health-tracking software. While the filing in the US (filed July...
by Jeremiah Sarpong | Aug 5, 2014 | General
Apple’s shift to TSMC for production of the A8 chip expected to debut in the iPhone 6 is hurting Samsung, reports the WSJ. The news comes as Samsung reported a less-than-stellar quarter. It’s been losing market share in smartphones in the global market and...
by Jeremiah Sarpong | Aug 5, 2014 | General
Apple has scheduled an event to unveil the iPhone 6 on September 9th, reports Re/code. Onstage at our inaugural Code conference earlier this summer, Apple SVP Eddy Cue described the company’s fall product pipeline as the best he’d seen in his 25 years at Apple. A few...
by | Aug 5, 2014 | General
Both the Evasi0n and Pangu jailbreaks for iOS 7 have been nominated for 2014 Pwnie awards. The Pwnie Awards celebrate the achievements of security researchers and developers who find certain bugs and exploits. The awards cover bugs disclosed over the last year (July...
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