Two small but interesting changes for Whatsapp that steals other functions from Telegram

We talked about it in March but today the new WhatsApp update is available which enables two functions. Let’s see what they are.

The first concerns groups and is the at sign “ @ ” that will appear next to the unread messages indicator to make it clear that among those unread messages there is also an explicit mention of your name . It will serve to capture more attention, a function taken up by Telegram.

The second, on the other hand, is much more appreciated and useful. It’s about being able to listen to voice messages at a faster rate . You can choose between 1.5x and 2x.

Just play any voice message, of any length, and the controller will appear with 1x. By clicking on this number, we can change it, effectively increasing the speed. It is very useful for listening to those very long vowels that your friends sometimes insist on sending you.

This latter function is in rollout. Some users have already been active for a couple of days, without even updating Whatsapp, for others it will be necessary to wait a few more hours or at most a couple of days to be able to use it. Don’t be caught unprepared though, update to the latest version of Whatsapp released today in the App Store.

Let us know in the comments if the voice speed adjustment function works for you or is not yet active on your account.

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