Apple has just released iOS 9.2 Beta 1 to developers . In this article we look at all the new features that have been added.

We are talking of Build 13C5055d which includes several enhancements:


1. SFSafariViewController or the framework that integrates the browser within the third-party applications, now supports third-party extensions. All extensions that work in Safari will also work in outdoor applications with browser.

2. The long press the Refresh button to applications using the Safari View Controller, now offers the ability to reload the page in Desktop mode or not blocked content, just like in Safari

3. iOS 9.2 beta fixes a problem with the WebApp when they were saved to the Home Screen without respecting the meta tag “apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style”.

Item update. Back to visit him a few minutes to read further news. If you’re also trying the Beta 1 of iPhone OS 9.2 and you are getting something new, segnalale through the comments of this article.

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