In the last period, the things that concern Facebook are damaging the image of the company and worrying more and more users with regard to their privacy. A sort of trend is being created in avoiding or minimizing the use of Facebook applications and the company is starting to worry about it.

Messenger is one of the most used applications in the world for instant messaging. It is located immediately after Whatsapp but it is so full of features and useless things that it is getting heavier, takes up a lot of memory and is not exempt from bugs.

Facebook has therefore decided to revolutionize the application, also to regain confidence in users, presenting Messenger 4.

Starting from today, the progressive rollout of this new version has started, which is extremely simpler than the previous one. The update is the result of a study that saw 71% of users ask for greater simplicity.

For this reason, the new app will be based on 3 main tabs: Chat, People and Discover.

In the first window, we will find a list of conversations with our friends and we can start new ones. In the second we can find friends, look at their stories and see the users connected at this time. In the third Tab instead of all the other things will be bound, the business, the games and so on.

The app will be more colorful, especially in groups to better distinguish the various people starting from the “bubbles” of the conversations. It will also be more modern, including a Dark Mode (since lately, it seems to be the most desired thing in the world). The app will weigh less and this will also come with Messenger Lite in some countries, with the functions reduced to the bone to avoid using too much internet data and too much memory on the phone.;


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