If you too have noticed a drop in battery life after updating to iOS 15.4, know that Apple also confirms that everything is normal and that it will resolve itself.

Several users have been complaining about battery life issues since updating to iOS 15.4

We have already faced similar problems many times on the pages of this blog and they occur every time a new firmware is released. In particular, the reduction in battery life is more tangible and evident when moving to a major build such as in the transition from iOS 14.8 to iOS 15 .0 but sometimes it can also occur in the transition between intermediate versions as happened in this case, from iOS 15.3.1 to iOS 15.4.

We repeat once again that the greater consumption of the battery following a firmware update depends on a series of processes and operations that iOS begins to actively carry out in the background to optimize new files and new functions added. It takes about a week to actually evaluate battery life after an update.

Despite all this is already known, Apple has decided to officially respond on Twitter to one of the many complaints of users about the battery after the update to iOS 15.4.

What happens is normal. Your apps and other features need to be adjusted up to 48 hours after an update. If the problem continues, then contact us privately and we will investigate your specific case.

Have you noticed any worsening or is the duration always the same, normal?

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