Apple is canceling their holidays to the specialists of his store on the days in between September 17 and November 4 , according to a memo exchanged between some employees appeared on the network. This was shared this morning on Twitter by notorious Benjamin Geskin. It is possible, therefore, that on a day which is in that period of time there will be the ‘ Apple event for the presentation of the new iPhone.

Here’s an excerpt from Apple’s message:

The next few months will be very exciting for all of us and for our customers. As you know, we will be announced and launched new products in September. As we prepare for future media events and the subsequent high demand, we will increase our staff in all our summer programs.

In order to support our customers during this important period of the year, we will make the actual Black Out Days in all programs for AppleCare Advisors and Leaders. Future dates of Black Out will be from September 17 to November 4. »

Apple notes that these dates could change, all it will depend on demand. During the “blackout days”, employees, except special cases, difficult to get days off. In this regard, we read, ” It is extremely important that everyone works in the days that were awarded during this period – the absences are unacceptable .”

According to the leaker Benjamin Geskin, it is very likely that the anticipated event will be held on September 17 . This will be the day that Apple will unveil the much-rumored iPhone 8? We think it is unlikely because it falls on a Sunday, but Apple is used to block the holidays a few days before the event, most likely to take place on September 20 .

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