Apple TV + offers high quality 4K streaming
According to test conducted by Flat panels HD, Apple TV + has the highest quality of streaming 4K offer from a streaming service that supports that resolution.
Larsen says that Apple TV + offers higher quality 4K streaming than most iTunes movies , based on the average bitrate used by the service.
” See ” has the highest bitrate of all Apple TV + programs, with an average of a video bitrate of 29 Mb / s and a peak of 41 Mb / s.
” The Elephant Queen ” recorded an average of about 26 Mb / s for video bitrate and also other content, as ” Snoopy in space ” recorded an average of 13 Mbps, which is high since it is a 2D cartoon with a palette of relatively limited colors.
It’s about half the size of a Hollywood movie recorded on UHD Bluray media . Blurays have always offered the best quality and the lowest compression, but the statistics for Apple TV + are really impressive for a streaming service .
Although the highest quality is mostly an advantage, there have been some complaints about the lack of a low data mode . Apple’s streaming technology increases and decreases depending on the network conditions available, but there is no way to force the device to use a lower quality stream.
Comparatively, the Netflix 4K bitrate seems to reach the maximum at around 16 Mb / s, although Netflix requires a 25 Mb / s connection for streaming 4K content.

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