During the National Retail Federation meeting in the retail sector in New York, Apple Pay chief Jennifer Bailey gave a speech about Apple’s proprietary contactless payment method and how it has actually succeeded in physical stores.

According to Bailey, the Apple Pay system continues to grow and already today is the most accepted contactless payment method in the world. At its launch in 2014, Apple Pay was accepted in 1 store in 3 in the United States, but now the percentage has risen to 1 store in 2 or 50% of retail stores.

The platform plays a fundamental role in the development of mobile e-commerce. Apple provides support in four distinct areas: applications, rules for transactions, loyalty programs and integration between store and applications. Regarding the applications topic, Bailey said that iOS presents an innovative platform where they can sell their products. With iOS 11, vendors can allow their customers to experience unique experiences thanks to the hardware of devices such as location, the biometric system, such as the TrueDepth camera with iPhone X.

The example of the latest version of Warby Parker is cited where you can virtually try on your face glasses in a very realistic way thanks to the facial mapping that offers the TrueDepth camera. Other companies such as Wayfair offer, thanks to ARKit, the possibility of having an immersive shopping experience, as well as the application of IKEA Place, available in the USA.

There are many companies that offer loyalty programs often linked to the use of Apple Pay, with cashback rather than collection points. All systems currently in use and developed in collaboration with stores in the United States.

In our country, the service is still young and the banks are gradually pushing users to activate the service to make it is known to most, with the development in the future could also come from us loyalty or cashback campaigns.

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