According to a recent report by MySmartPrice , this spring Apple will launch the AirPods 2 and AirPower, the base for wireless charging from the currently uncertain destiny.

According to sources, the second generation AirPods will have a similar coating to the glass of the rear body of Google Pixel 3, to ensure better grip . In addition, the new coating should also cover the case of the earphones.

In addition to the new design, it also speaks of a better sound quality and a black variant , much requested by users. The price should be around $ 199 , a hypothesis but probably not based on information provided by sources.

The hypothesis of the launch of the AirPods 2 in the first half of 2019 is also supported by DigiTimes , according to which a hardware upgrade (therefore the new generation) will certainly arrive before the summer .

As for AirPower, the charging base should be  thinner than the one shown in 2017 (yes, two years ago). It is also said that Apple could win the attention of potential customers with exclusive features (currently unknown) for devices with iOS 13 . The price? About $ 149 .

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