Samsung tries again and this time it stole Apple’s Face ID icon

Old habits die hard. Samsung and Apple have a complicated history. But in reality, it mostly comes down to Samsung’s design language and features that it ” borrows ” from Apple and then uses them in its phones and tablets.

During the Samsung CES 2020 keynote event, the company presented various Samsung Pass features , a password manager and a pre-installed user authentication service on some of its smartphones and tablets. Some viewers and bloggers have noticed that Samsung was using an icon that looked a lot like Apple’s Face ID icon, and in fact it was exactly the same.

It should be taken into account that it is possible that Samsung Pass is arriving on the iPhone, in which case users may be able to authenticate using Face ID . And if that’s what’s going on, Apple has probably given Samsung permission to use the Face ID logo.

It is not the first time that Samsung copiously copies the work of its rivals. In fact, the South Korean company is regularly accused by its competitors of stealing their industrial designs and ideas. Samsung has been sued by Apple for copying the iPhone design.

Will Samsung Pass arrive on iPhone or has Samsung misused the Apple-owned Face ID icon?

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