We got to see an unofficial hands-on video of the iPhone X last week, thanks to a YouTube vlog shot by the daughter of an Apple engineer. The video was shot within Caffè Macs on Apple’s campus, and there were signs that it was not approved by Apple.

That appears to be confirmed by a tearful follow-up video in which Brooke Peterson says that her father has now been fired by Apple …

While some wondered whether it was a piece of guerrilla marketing, there were two clues that suggested otherwise.

The brief video clip appeared to show QR codes for use within Apple, and the Notes app seemed to show internal code names for Apple products.

Today comes the news, and it’s official. Apple fired that engineer and let him know it is his daughter once again.

The girl has made a new video where she describes her father as a magnificent man and tells the whole story. Basically, the engineer worked on developing and implementing the iPhone X, so one month before the official presentation, this device was in their home. One day the girl used this iPhone for the sole purpose of immortalizing a good time in a family video-memory. The result is that video that we all know and that we are repeating at the end of the article. Although it was shot at the end of August, it was never published on the Internet until a week ago.

She did not expect the video to go viral to turn the world around, nor did he imagine that with this gesture he would break a non-disclosure contract to his father who actually paid him the job.

The video we show below is of low quality but according to those who have seen the original video (then removed by the same girl at Apple’s request), within the Note app (which opens for a second), you see the code names of some Apple products that have not yet been released.


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