Samsung is facing a serious problem lately, dealing with its Notes 7 exploding . Recalling about 2.5 million devices that were affected by faulty batteries, which could potentially explode. There are already several cases in which users suffered serious damages because of the battery defect of the new Samsung phablet.


Well guess what: A new report now claims that Samsung’s exploding Galaxy Note 7 problem is actually kinda sorta Apple’s fault.

According to a new report from Bloomberg that cites multiple anonymous sources, Samsung saw the leaks and rumors leading up to Apple’s recent iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus launch, and it identified an opening. All of the chatter ahead of Apple’s new iPhone launch suggested that this year’s new iPhone lineup was going to be boring and dull. As a result, Samsung thought it could rush out the new Galaxy Note 7 and steal Apple’s thunder with a gorgeous design and some hot new features like a built-in iris scanner.

From Bloomberg:

Earlier this year, managers at the South Korean company began hearing the next iPhone wouldn’t have any eye-popping innovations. The device would look just like the previous two models too. It sounded like a potential opening for Samsung to leap ahead.

So the top brass at Samsung Electronics Co., including phone chief D.J. Koh, decided to accelerate the launch of a new phone they were confident would dazzle consumers and capitalize on the opportunity, according to people familiar with the matter. They pushed suppliers to meet tighter deadlines, despite loads of new features, another person with direct knowledge said. The Note 7 would have a high-resolution screen that wraps around the edges, iris-recognition security and a more powerful, faster-charging battery. Apple’s taunts that Samsung was a copycat would be silenced for good.

The leadership of Samsung Electronics Co., including the sector head  DJ Koh, therefore opted to speed up, to capitalize on the opportunity. Obviously the providers had no choice rather than to adapt to the new directives.

We know how that turned out. Samsung has called all the devices that hit the market, many airline companies  suggesting to their clients not to switch the device on whiles in the plane. According to rumors, number of Samsung employees have defined the situation as “humiliating”. We are not therefore speaking only of economic damage, but also damage to its brand image.

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